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The Garden

In a strong connection to the LAND, a typical day always begins at the garden. Wicker basket in hand, sun's shining and the chef wanders and collects carefully selected ingredients, that will make the journey from the land to your plate.

A lovingly tended vegetable garden, inspired by the principles of permaculture and agroforestry.

Embrace Nature with us and feel the Land with your own hands!

An organic garden imbued with the scent of rosemary, basil and thyme, bursting with fruit, flowers, berries and vegetables! Our garden has its own ecosystem where butterflies, lizards, frogs, bees and birds all have a special place and role. In fact, we are trying to imitate nature itself so that it will become an efficient, self-sustaining system, requiring the lowest input of human hand, to achieve the maximum output of produce.